Now that we are once again facing enormous challenges due to the COVID- 19 pandemic with uncertainties, limitations and risks, it is necessary to keep a cool head, show mental resilience and keep ourselves psychologically fit for our duties and responsibilities.
To be helpful and supportive, Eduquest, together with partner organization Educoach, has adjusted and further developed our successful Adaptation and Recovery Treatment program (ART) to the specific needs and wishes of our (international) clients who are currently working in stress-related professions such as healthcare workers , police officers, military personnel and other professions within the public domain.
The ART program is offered online and focuses on preventing and /or reducing (work-related) stress complaints. The program is open to anyone who has developed psychological complaints during work or because of personal circumstances due to the persistent stress at work or in private life, for example due to COVID-19 measures.
Its main features are:
● Immediate psychological help and support from professionals;
● Also accessible to our international clients:
● Tailored to your personal needs and circumstances;
● Follow-up psychological therapy available in company.
You can receive more information about the program, rates and registration via the contact form on our website.